You must be knowing, the name of one of the most popular exam in India, AIEEE has been renamed this year to JEE (Main). The pattern for the exam is same. However, the importance of exam has changed a lot. You may read more about the whole exam JEE in my post What is JEE 2013?
AIEEE had introduced option to give the exam either online or offline (paper-pencil based) in 2010. There are various benefits of giving the test online. Like:
- One can review and change the answer at any point of time
- The above process can be done numerous number of times
- No. of questions attempted or unattempted could be find instantly
- Tougher or tricky questions could be marked for review later
- Equal time is alloted to everyone
- No disturbance during the exam for paper work
- Don’t need any strategy for circling the answer with pencil
- Flexibility to choose the exam date
- It will save Rs. 300
If someone is comfortable with computers and can sit in front of computer screen for 3 hours continuously. It is strongly recommended to go for Online Test.
Now, I’m coming to the main point of this article. How to choose the most suitable date for JEE (Main) online test?
The answer to this question is not so easy. It will differ based on your willingness to appear for JEE (Advanced).
Date Selection
JEE (Advanced) is going to be conducted on 2nd June, 2013. JEE (Main) online test is scheduled between 8th April, 2013 to 25th April, 2013. If someone is appearing for JEE (Advanced), he needs more time for JEE (Advanced) preparation. Hence, he need to appear on the earliest suitable date for the exam. Keep no confusion, the bar of 150,000 students eligibility is not at all a test for the students who are serious for JEE (Advanced). So, don’t even think that you need good amount of time to be in top 150,000 students eligible to write JEE (Advanced). If you can’t get top 150,000 for JEE (Main), don’t waste your time for JEE (Advanced).
However, if someone is just going to appear for JEE (Main), not for JEE (Advanced), he need to choose the latest date of all. So, that he could concentrate well for both 12th board and JEE (Main).
Now, if you are willing to write JEE (Main) and JEE (Advanced). Don’t go for the First Day First Show. On the first two days there are chances of technical hitches during the exam. The invigilators and engineers at the test center try to familiarize themselves with the whole system of online test. Till the third day, the ambiance of test center becomes normal. Chances of hitches becomes quite less. Hence, it is recommended to choose the third day, 10th April, 2013 as your date for Online Test. However, this date is most suitable for morning slot. If you are willing to take the test in 2nd half, then go for 9th April, 2012 afternoon slot. Chances are very less of any technical problem on the second day afternoon slot. I will discuss about slot selection later.
If you are planning to appear for only JEE (Main) and you have to appear for 12th board also then choose latest dates viz 23rd or 24th April, 2013. This will give you a healthy gap for utmost preparation for JEE (Main). Plus, the pressure on your mind will be less. I didn’t recommended the last date as the invigilators would be taking this day lightly just as last working day before holidays. Remember, they would be busy with the exam for last 13 days continuously with two shifts of exams every day.
Slot Selection
Morning or afternoon slot plays vital role in your performance. Fundamentally, you must be knowing that the mind feels fresh in the morning hours. The thinking and analyzing capability is always higher in the morning. Overall, it is the best time to give your best shot. Remember, even if this would help you to solve just one extra question correctly. We are talking about a rank difference in hundreds to thousands. You have to give exam in the optimal state of time to deliver the best. The best from your capability means the best rank you can get in JEE (Main). However, morning or afternoon slot will not matter, if you train your body for the afternoon exam.
Those who are appearing just for JEE (Main) but are repeaters (not giving 12th board). The choice of date for you will depend on you only. As the date won’t matter for you. You might just feel relaxed from the exam pressure if you appear early. But, still if you need any suggestion, ask your query by the comment section below.
Read this article which will explain How to Prepare for JEE 2013 After Appearing for 12th Board
Do you need any help or any sort of suggestions? Just give a comment below. If you can’t comment below due to some reason. Send me mail at [email protected].
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If you like the above article, I’m giving links for articles written on similar topic by me:
- How Good Are The New IITs
- Good College or Good Branch
- When Should I Start Preparing for IIT?
- JEE: Should I Take A Drop?
- How to Prepare for JEE Mains After Appearing for 12th Board
- New Pattern: What is JEE?
- IIT JEE: What should be Strategy for Partial Droppers?
- How to Prepare for IIT JEE?
- Kota: Paradise for IIT JEE Aspirants
- Role of Coachings in IIT JEE selection
- Hopes Beyond IIT
- IIT JEE: What should be the strategy for repeaters?
I wanted to know that will the difficulty level of the paper increases as we choose later dates?
No, don’t expect this. Level will be almost same. Actually, on later days, it will be bit easier as one may know from friends who appear on earlier days about question type asked. But, still it will not impact much.
I am a student from andhra pradesh. Our board exams will be completed in march. So what will be the best date for the exam. And I am not interested in JEE advance.
If you are not interested for JEE Advanced then prefer to choose a later date. See this article:
I believe the syllabus of your board and JEE Main would be slightly different, not exactly same. So, you need some more time to go through extra syllabus. Choose a date which is not on sunday to keep it free from any other exam. You may go for 22nd or 19th. It will give you ample time for preparation for JEE Main. Don’t go for last two-three days. As the reason, I’ve already mentioned in the article.
i already submitted my exam date of jeemain online exam as 22nd April but the kerala entrance exam also on that same date so How could i rechange my online exam’s date?
Hello Remya,
When you go to slot selection login page here:
You may find that it is written below on this page “No change will be entertained in Computer Based Examination Date after the selection”. So, once you have selected the slot. It can’t be changed.
After my board exams,5 days later college commences upto 7.30pm then how to practice simulator tests
how your college commences after board exam…..what are they teaching….under graduate course??
Is the score announced right after the end of three hours of online exam or we have to wait for the results??
you have to wait for the result…..
if someone did not get good % in 12th but good rank in jee main than what will happen?
what will happen!……just that someone will get a good college….after getting rank…..there is no role for 12th marks in getting a seat……Then, it will be required at the time of placement or MBA only…..
Sir are you sure that the level of paper will be same??
I got 250 Marks when i solved 7th April Paper in my coaching!
Many of my friends are saying that it is general that last day paper (25 th April) will be most difficult and i will be appearing on that day!
Is it so??
Plz eply i am very tensed about it!
Don’t get tensed…..tough and easy papers…..word like these are relative with factors not only questions level, even order of presentation and your expertise in a topic….
Don’t think about these things….if you know about statistics and mathematics… calm and cool…..whether it will be tough or easy……no matter… each question set will be normalized taking each of these things in mind……
Just prepare for the exam well and take it nicely…rest leave on CBSE..its their duties to worry about these aspect.