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- Easy WordPress-NGINX Configuration – EasyEngineI’m going to take you to the world of Lightning Fast WordPress using simple WordPress-NGINX Configuration achieved using EasyEngine. EasyEngine with not more than 3-4 commands can install a nginx based server with PHP5-FPM, MySQL and added features like FastCGI, memcached, Zend OPcache, Google Pagespeed, Postfix in less than 5 mins. EasyEngine blends compatible and latest packages together to give a stable environment. Installation of EasyEngine is quite simple and Easy.
- Examination – Has It Killed Education?Fourteen year old Raju looked at the ceiling fan. He started sweating and thought of cancelling his plan but that was not possible. He went ahead, threw the string around the fan and before he could change his mind, hanged himself using the same rope. Later on, it was discovered that Raju was under stress due to coming exams. He felt pressurized and didn’t know whom to talk with. The above incident is not alone. In India, daily average twenty students use various methods for committing suicide. They all have different Modus Operandi but the same reason. Some have Stress of not getting admissions in esteemed institutions, others fear of not performing well in the exam. Why students are taking such drastic steps? Have the authorities ever thought what is wrong? Is there any drawback in our education system which is putting pressure on students?
- Organic Foods: Are They Worth The HypeA food which is produced under strict standards laid down by government is called ‘Organic food’. This kind of technique produces crops without harming either environment or the animals, thus protecting our natural reserves for the next generation. The word ‘Organic’ actually depicts a manner in which farmers grow and cultivate different produces like grains, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Today who has not heard of an Organic Food? They are everywhere, from specialized health food stores to your local super markets; the aisles are full of organic products with different labels. One aisle is full of traditionally grown fruits and another with organically grown fruits. They both look fresh, colorful, nutritious and good. One might get in dilemma about which one to choose. Let’s go in detail of Organic Foods to understand this.
- Introduction From Basic: What is WordPress?Many of you who are familiar with blogging, when told about blogging the first thing that comes in mind is a blog on Google Blogger. It was a purchased by Google in 2003 started by Pyra Labs. It became the most popular platform for blogging. In between a lot of alternative services flourished. WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and others. Google Blogger is used mostly for regular blogging only. However, these services are referred as Content Management Service (CMS). These are used to create a lot many different sort of website than just a blogging website.
- How Good Are The New IITsIn 2008, Government of India added eight new Indian Institute of Technology (IITs). There were earlier seven IITs before. Out of these eight new IITs, six started function in 2008 itself and two started operation from 2009. IT-BHU was converted as IIT (BHU) Varanasi in 2012. All new IITs are awaiting completion of their permanent campus construction work. However, they are running full fledged within limited strength from their transit campuses taken on rent. All are being mentored by old IITs.
- Good College or Good BranchShould I go for Good College or Good Branch. It is a dilemma which is faced by every single student after clearing engineering entrance examination. Even if student gets selected for admission to any IIT. This dilemma is faced by them. Whether they should go by best IIT or best branch at average level IIT. Ever since I have started giving tips to engineering aspirants, every year after entrance result. I get query related with this dilemma.
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