Let us assume that there are two persons in front of you. One is handsome and muscular, and the other one is ugly, lean and thin. Now, you are asked to choose anyone as your partner for playing, say carom. As the choice here should be random, will you choose randomly any one or will you prefer someone over other? Now, let’s do slight change in the situation. Now, we present in front of you two of your classmates, not any of your close friends. Say one is very intelligent and other one is average in studies. Now, you are asked to choose anyone as your partner. Now, again will you choose randomly or have a preferred choice. I think if you don’t have any other information, in the first case, handsome one will be your partner and in the second case, intelligent one will be your partner.
In Psychology, there is a section called Cognitive Bias. A cognitive bias is the human tendency to make systematic errors in judgment, knowledge, and reasoning. A very popular theory for cognitive bias is Halo effect. The halo effect is a cognitive bias whereby the perception of one trait (i.e. a characteristic of a person or object) is influenced by the perception of another trait (or several traits) of that person or object. An example would be judging a good-looking person as more intelligent. Halo effect could be seen when some reputed company launches its new product. Initially, the people will buy the product just on the name of popular company. Like Apple Inc. had launched in a series a lot of new products in different segments like iPod, iPhone, iPad, or iTV (Apple TV). All these products created sizzle in the market initially due to its manufacturer’s reputation. Whenever someone says that he have a sports car, the first thing we think about it too be much muscular and attractive. In the 1970s, social psychologist Richard Nisbett demonstrated that even if we were told that our judgments have been affected by the halo effect, we may have no awareness of when the halo effect influences us.
Apart from Halo effect, there is a similar reverse halo effect. A corollary to the halo effect is the reverse halo effect where individuals, brands or other things judged to have a single undesirable trait are subsequently judged to have many poor traits, allowing a single weak point or negative trait to influence others’ perception of the person, brand or other thing in general. We often see political parties trying to use this to decrease the popularity of opponent.
When someone is beautiful, it often happens they tend to attract more people than normal person. Either its male or female, the outlook inclines us to create an opinion about the person. Even in the case of babies, it is proved that they tend to like good looking people than another stranger.
Harvard psychologist Dr Nancy Etcoff has written a book called Survival of the Fittest: The Science of Beauty, in which she says attractive men and women are sprinkled with stardust from the beginning. Her findings
- Mothers are more likely to make a fuss of pretty babies.
- Teachers think good-looking pupils are “smarter and more sociable”.
- Police officers, judges and juries are more lenient towards beautiful people.
- If you break down in your car, the better looking you are the more likely someone is to stop and help you out.
Dr. Etcoff also believes that we do not learn to appreciate good looks from the world around us, but that we are born with “beauty detectors”. When three-month-old babies were shown pictures of people, they stared the longest at the most attractive specimens.
It is evident that if we see girls around us in the society willing to marry, but, still unmarried even if their age is much above that normal marriageable age of the society. In most of the case we will found the girl is not so much pretty. A young boy or girl doesn’t dream that their life partner will be ugly. In fact, in the real life they can be average too, but in the dream, the dream partner must be beautiful and handsome.
Now, we can say that a beautiful person gets better firsthand treatment from the people. But, does it mean that they live a better life. People often think that better life means financially happy. Some others think better life means mental peace. If we talk about financial success, it is true that beautiful people will get more chances to succeed than average looking. How well they can transform these chances is other thing. But, in the present world getting chance is the hardest job and if someone is getting chances much easily, the person will be much more successful than others.
Now, if we say that better life means mentally happy, then no the good looking will not get this so much easily. They can be financially secured. But, what about people around them, can we make someone our friend who is just handsome or can a person continue to maintain his or her married life only with beauty. The answer is no. These sorts of things require your inner beauty. If you are beautiful from inside then only you can enjoy a beautiful life.
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