A food which is produced under strict standards laid down by government is called ‘Organic food’. This kind of technique produces crops without harming either environment or the animals, thus protecting our natural reserves for the next generation. The word ‘Organic’ actually depicts a way farmers grow and cultivate different produces like grains, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
Today who has not heard of an Organic Food? They are everywhere, from specialized health food stores to your local super markets; the aisles are full of organic products with different labels. One aisle is full of traditionally grown fruits and another with organically grown fruits. They both look fresh, colorful, nutritious and good. One might get in dilemma about which one to choose.
Let’s go in detail of Organic Foods to understand this.
Organic Foods
- Now days, people don’t leave a single stone un-turned when it comes to their health. Often foods produced non-organically has harmful antibiotics which are injected in livestock. These antibiotics create adverse effects on our body. Eating organic food ensures that farmers have not used any antibiotic on the animals and the crops.
- Farmers use large number of pesticides and chemical fertilizers which keep pests away but weaken our resistance power. Such methods of producing crops are hazardous for our health. Food made organically just uses natural manures and compost and doesn’t contain a single trace of strong chemicals thus reducing pollution and protecting mother earth.
- The use of pesticides by the ignorant farmer has resulted in growth of a lot of disease especially cancers. Farmers want to protect themselves in every possible way from pests. No chance to be taken. In the process, they spray more than required amount of pesticides on the crops. There is no proper awareness program conducted by the authority. Organic food takes away these possibility.
- Often people say that organic food retains the original taste and texture of vegetables and fruits. They even look fresher and colorful compared to food grown non organic way.
- Organic food doesn’t contain the harmful toxin deposits. Hence they are nutrition rich compared to the non organic food. According to one study, Animals which were not given dose of antibiotics produced healthier dairy products compared to traditionally generated dairy products.
- Eating organic food ensures that one is eating healthy and this protects from the potential dangers of catching bugs and infection. This in turn keeps us healthy and in good physical shape. One becomes happier and feel energetic after eating such food.
- When someone purchases locally grown, organic products direct from the farmer, it provides enormous support to the local community. The purchase creates jobs for many people and this ensures financial security for the farmers.
- Fertilizers and pesticides have adverse effects on new-born babies and young children. A recent report had established a connection between different disorders and non organic foods. Eating organic food ensures that our children will be saved from possible risks of ADHD, leukemia and other defects. If pregnant women and young children go organic, they can benefit most.

Drawbacks of Organic Foods
Yes, it’s true that organically grown foods have many benefits. But lets’ have a look at some of the drawbacks of using this kind of food.
- Organic food doesn’t contain any preservatives. Hence, they don’t have a long shelf-life. On the other hand, traditional foods can be stored for many days. As they use various additives to keep it fresh for days. Customers don’t have to visit the market often as they can store non organic food for long time. This saves time and money.
- As the farmers don’t apply chemicals and other dangerous drugs to his crops, he might have to invest more time, money and energy in growing and cultivating organic crops. Moreover getting Organic certification is not cheap. Sometimes these organic farms are too small and can’t receive financial help from government. This increases the overhead costs and makes raising organic crops an expensive affair. This makes organic foods more expensive compared to their non organic counterparts.
- A new research has found that cow’s milk is harmless for kids and there is not much dissimilarity between the traditional and the organic one. Pediatricians all over the world recommend to drink skim milk. It can be either organic or the conventional.
- There might not be much choice in organic food products in local market. Most of the time one gets a limited variety of products.
- One might have a difficult time in finding a restaurant serving organic food if planning to eat out.
- Still majority of farmers grow traditionally cultivated crops as they want more profit with less effort from their side. If they use fertilizers and pesticides, it helps them to boost the crop and volume of their products.
Organic or Traditional
As we can see from the above discussion, eating organic food might be good for an individual. It provides many health benefits and who don’t want their family to be fit, healthy and happy? However, in the long run, going organic is a costly affair and everyone can’t afford it. Organic food products are almost twice the price of conventional food products. One who is cautious about their household budget can’t pay for it on a day-to-day basis.
Conventional food does contain pesticides and harmful chemicals. But, the harm can be minimized by washing the fruits and vegetables under running water before using them. Keeping view of the budget, it might be less expensive method to make sure healthy eating. Middle class spends most of its spending on foods only. Taking preventive measure in traditional foods can definitely be a better idea to keep the budget balanced with healthy diet.
If we see the wider picture, organic food is nothing other than naturally grown food product. No harmful chemicals, no fertilizer, no pesticides. A little pesticides or fertilizer can’t be harmful. However, taking it in heavy dose along with food product could be dangerous. If regulation is implemented along with awareness for the use of these chemicals, traditional foods could become healthy too. Farmers need security in adverse situation. Once it is given to them by way of insurance or protection of their chance of loss. They will use minimal required fertilizers and pesticides. The food products could be produced naturally and at a lower cost.
Government can’t just make regulations for the affluent only. Organic foods give healthy food to rich people only. Not to the masses. Its their duty to devise plan to give healthy food for whole society not just few. Society is not run by affluent family. The backbone of society is farmers, artisans, laborers, house-hold helps, small technicians. These drive the production section of the society. Healthy food is a right of everyone. One can’t divide this right based on income or affordability. Traditional or Organic. It should be healthy and available for everyone.
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